I AM NUMBER FOUR staring: Alex Pettyfer, Diana Argon, Timothy Olyphant, Callan McAuliffe and Teresa Palmer.
Ever though aliens existed, only, they lived light-years away or you believe you've been abducted by them, because there's a moment in your life that you just can't recall or, they're so close, that they could be the boy or girl sitting next to you right now.
Well, if you're sitting next to a "John Smith" and he's new to your school as of - well today, then your alien experience may just be heightened to new level. He may look human, sound human and even smell human, but he's not.
Actually, he's from the planet Lorien - one of the planets in the nearest galaxy to that of the Milky Way. If he looks like he's hiding or avoiding you, he is. He doesn't want to be found. A precaution - don't take photos of him (these photos won't last), don't take videos of him (their memories worth forgetting) and don't talk to him (it may come at your own cost).
Number One was killed in Malaysia.
Number Two was murdered in England.
Number Three was hunted down in Kenya.
I am number FOUR.
The Story
Based on the novel written by "Pittacus Lore" (aka. Jobie Hughes and James Frey), I Am Number Four takes the theories behind other life-forms in other galaxies to a whole new level. Seeing as its producer is Michael Bay (director of the Transformers Saga), it's not inevitable to have such a well adapted film from the pages of one of New York Time's best sellers.
Alien life forms settling on Earth to preserve their race, trying to runaway from another alien race who destroyed their planet is not an uncommon story-line. What drew me to this movie though, is that fact that all the nine aliens (not counting their 'Keepers') from the planet Lorien are all connected by charms that are covered by enchantment that cannot allow them to be killed out of their numerical order. In both the book and the film, we never see Numbers One and Two, but we do see (and read about) the murder of Number Three. It is this close countdown that makes this film different to other 'extraterrestrial films'. What makes this film as thrilling as it is, is the fact that you never know what to expect. Characters are not what they seem and situations are not what you hope for.
I'm currently half-way through the novel and the parallels are fantastic - granted their are more explanations in the novel than the movie, but the changes are necessary. What Alfred Gough, Miles Miller and Marti Noxon have done is simply taken the book and traced out the story and outlines what could be translated into the screen. Things like: running away, legacy formations, high school life vs. alien life and even love. Too be honest I though the film focused a lot on the relationship between Sarah (Argon)and John (aka. Number Four) but only when I started reading the book did I realise how important their relationship really is - but I won't tell you, because that would just spoil both the film and the novel for you.
Before you do see the film, I recommend reading the book, that way you get a gist of what to expect in terms of missing information about Lorien, Legacies and the difference between Henri (Olyphant) and Four (Pettyfer). Reading the book after the film is not too bad either, like I said, the parallels are fantastic that no matter which order you go (book then film or film than book), you get the full picture and satisfaction of I Am Number Four. Otherwise, if you're not a reader, all i can say is: this film is jam-packed with action, romance and almost believable alien powers that you would wish you inherited after puberty.
Deborah Aquila and Mary Tricia Wood receive TWO THUMB UP from me. Besides the occasional accent falter from rising British star, Alex Pettyfer (Stormbreaker andWild Child), he did an incredible job in bringing this character to life. Pettyfer's incredible looks are overshowed by his incredible talent in bringing this character to life. He was able to portray a confident, yet vulnerable teenage alien trying to fit in. One of my favourite scenes would have to be when he's having dinner with the Harts. In this scene Pettyfer really brings out the longing that John/Number four has to be 'normal' and to really 'blend in' here on Earth. Pettyfer has the ability to speak with expression rather than with wordsm which is important in a film like where there's far more meed for action than words.
Supporting Alex, is Timothy Olyphant (Meet Bill) who plays Henri, another 'Loric' from Lorien. Henri is essentially John's 'Keeper' or guardian here on Earth. Olyphant's character delivers much of the comic relief in this film. He seems to have all the one liners that got the entire cinema laughing. But in the serious moments, Olyphant was able to bring out that father-like figure that John needed during the times he chose to be careless. Glee's Diana Argon never fails to deliver when it comes to beautiful ex-head cheerleader roles. Argon shows that she's more than a show-tune queen by taking on a role of a small town girl with dreams of going beyond the borders of Paradise, Ohio. She really inhabits the character by being down to earth and natural in her acting styles - a big difference to her fierce, full-of-attitude character, Quinn. She's actually likable in this film. (:P)
The big hits for me are Aussie actors Callan McAuliffe (Packed to the Rafters) and Teresa Palmer (December Boys). McAuliffe plays Sam, John's only friend, who is a Type-A nerd and typically "at-the-bottom-of-the-food-chain" in high school character. Sam and John's friendship is vital to the story due to Sam's father's theories about the Loric race here on earth, along with the Mogodorian (aliens from Mogodore - the 'evil' race) who have come for them. McAuliffe, much like Olyphant, carries one-liners that had the cinema laughing out loud. Not only that, but he also made his character believable whenever he was picked on - you were moved to really feel sympathetic towards him. He played well against Pettyfer, but in saying that, he was able to hold the American accent much better. Palmer sticks to her Aussie accent as she puts Megan Fox to shame with her role as "Number Six". Angelina Jolie should be scared, because Palmer did an incredible job with the stunts and gun-action that she did in this film. You were forced to join Pettyfer when he asks, "Any other Legacies I should know about?" She did an incredible job - I can't wait for, "The Power of Six" to see her to shine.
Cinematography, Special Effects and Music
Without a doubt, this film had one of the best camera work (although I wish I could say the same with the guys operating the projector when I went to see this film - one scene I was forced to simply assume that the head were cut off!). The mise en scene towards the end of the film really gave that 'breath taking' effect when you realise the war has just begun (and then you smile at the thought of a sequel!). The music in this film was great, particularly during the Haunted Hay Ride scene. The music complemented the sene so well that I was literally screaming! The special effects in terms of the Legacies (their powers) were well done and were very believable - especially whenever Six became invisible! But my disappointment is in the rope work. Whenever either Pettyfer or Palmer were suppose to use their ability to defy gravity, the rope work was just too obvious - they may want to perfect what for the next film. Other wise this film was great!
Alyssa's Thoughts...
Alyssa and Moi
I took my friend Alyssa with me to the preview screen at Event Cinemas, and she had a few things to say about the film:
"It was such a great watch! This movie is one I would go back and watch over and over again. Of course Alex Pettyfer is a very good looking boy to look at, but other than that it was a mix of fast paced action, romance and...action and more action! Oh! I forgot to mention suspenseful. You'll be laughing in parts of the movie. It is definitely a must see movie so...
GO WATCH! BE AMAZED! AND ENJOY!" Alyssa's rating: 5 Stars
An I completely agree:

sL Star rating: 5 stars.
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