Tuesday, May 12, 2020

HANEDA (Airport) | JAPAN | Japan Series Finale

What is a finale without a great ending?

In the words of Albus Dumbledore, or J.K. Rowling, I open at the close.

Why not end with one of the entry points to this beautiful country. Haneda Airport is one of the most picturesque airports when you're in transit. There are so many lovely tourist stores to pick-up last minute souvenirs and gifts for friends and family. If you don't want to shop then there are many artworks for you to breeze through while you wait for your gate to open or your flight to be announced.

It's also accessible by train, which is great when you're going to and from the airport. I enjoyed my last few moments here and had a blast soaking-in the Japanese culture that I fell in love with. I am constantly planning a trip back to see other places I was not able to see. Still on my list:

  • Osaka - properly
  • Kyoto
  • Hiroshima
I'll keep you posted,

sL xxx