Sunday, July 12, 2020

DUBLIN | IE | Ireland Series Pilot

Now for those of you who follow me on Instagram you would have joined me across my 5-day tour of Ireland. I wish I had done the 7-day tour, but alas life got in the per usual.

Enjoying my trip around Ireland is an understatement. I LOVED IT. The scenery was something out of a book and the history is so rich you're practically walking in and amongst it. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's start at the heart of Ireland: Dublin.

Dublin is the Capital City of Ireland. Much like many cities, it is filled with commercial buildings, some skyscrapers and shopping districts. In true European fashion, its authentic architectures wrap around museums, pubs and - of course - churches. Writers like Oscar Wilde and James Joyce have been immortalised through plaques, marble bust or sculptures in local parks and gardens. 

I visited two museums while I was in Dublin:

  • The Little Museum of Dublin - one thing you must know is that the Irish are proud of all of their accomplishments no matter how big or small - and so they should! This Museum houses many fun-facts and trivia-worthy items. I recommend going as a fun starting point to get your head around the modern history of Ireland.
  • Leprechaun Museum - if you're more into folklore, this museum is up your ally. Kids will love this interactive museum. The staff are very energetic and full of stories that will entertain you for days. 
For literary nerds, must sees are:
  • Trinity College - there are guided tours available when you visit.
  • Oscar Wilde's sculpture and house - they're literally across the street from each other.
  • James Joyce's marble bust - it is missable so keep your eyes peeled!
  • Dublinia - a museum that showcases Dublin during the Viking and Medieval era.
  • Literary Museum - it's opening this year!
  • There are regular literary pub-crawls too!
In all honesty, all you need to do is walk around and you'll find picturesque buildings and beautiful parks. There are walking tours that you can book if you want to acquaint yourself with the city before you roam around on your own.  I loved spending extra time just browsing through the city. It felt like home away from home.

Until next time,

sL xxx