Thursday, November 12, 2020

BLARNEY CASTLE & GARDENS | IE | Ireland Series Finale

Blarney Castle is home to the famous Blarney Stone that is said to hold magical powers to give traveller a gift: The Gift of the Gab. Legend has it that those who kiss this magical stone will be able to talk anyone's ear off.

Now, you don't have to kiss that stone if you don't want to - and note, you're upside down if you do choose to kiss the stone - but getting in line to kiss the stone is the fastest route through the castle. If stairs are not your thing, don't stress, the Castle's internal courtyard is still a great view point of the magnitude of the castle.

Outside has not one, not two, but twelve different types of gardens that surround the castle. All unique in their own way, the gardens offer both historical information as well as excellent natural scenery. Although I am not a green thumb, I do enjoy a great garden. We saw many castles throughout the tour, Blarney stands out due to it's legendary stone and its beautiful gardens. 

Go see it!

sL xxx