Tuesday, August 8, 2023

strictlyleisure | Travel Series Return | Upcoming Blogs

2022 was touch and go with restrictions being non-existent in the northern hemisphere and very heavy in the southern hemisphere.

It's August 2023 and we're still hearing about wearing masks when you're feeling unwell.

Regardless, travel is back and, to make up for the three years of no flights, nomads are feeling the pinch in their pockets.

Three Reasons People Are Travelling Again

1) "Staying Home" was (and is) never an option. Some people are just not home bodies. Being elsewhere - or as far from home as they can get - is always a priority. Whether it's to press 'pause' on their busy schedule, run away from their schedules or just not feeling at home in their home, travel is an investment not an expense.

2) It's now or never. People have re-evaluated the need to travel after being "stuck" in one place for so long. Since many companies are taking a hybrid form, travel has become more accessible than before.

3) To keep "The Gram" alive. Social media has also been a place to display portions of life, with opportunities to travel again, gorgeous scenery and oceanic escapes have become party of people's stories and pictorial updates again. It's a moment, in a place, cemented by a tap; a memory capsule of a simple pleasure of life.

Up Next on sL:

SEP - Philippines (Baguio City)
OCT - New Zealand (Northern Island)
NOV - Staycastions (DELAYED - apologies!)