Sunday, February 21, 2016

Film Review | How To Be Single

Alice (Dekota Johnson) just wanted to find herself, only problem is she doesn’t know the first thing about who she is because she’s always been surrounded by people who love her. Truth is, she never really knew what it meant to love herself, nor does she know how to start.

Robin (Rebel Wilson) is the epitome of the independent woman. She has no care in the world what people think of her; her goal in life is to live life. No strings are attached anywhere but where she chooses to, in this case, it’s Alice.

Meg (Leslie Mann) thought she was an independent-career-orientated woman who never needed a man or a family to live a full life. The only problem is, she delivers babies into the world for a living – how can she not ignore her maternal instincts?

Lucy (Alison Brie) has everything else in life figured out, only problem is, Mr Right seems to be hiding from her. Regardless of what a womanising, bar-tender, Tom (Anders Holm), thinks about her methods, she still believes that the Internet will sift through the rabble and point her towards Prince Charming.

The Story

Following several strands of what it means to be a single person in this world, How To Be Single takes audiences through the hardships and the highlights of the understanding the difference between being alone and being single.

Alison's and Robin’s strand sees a growth in understanding that being single is not liking or being comfortable with being alone, it’s actually about understanding that it’s ok to pursue your dreams and enjoy doing things without obligations.

Meg’s strand sees a release in knowing that it’s ok to be a feminist and still be a person's special someone. It’s all about being humble enough to say, "Yes, I will share this journey with you, even though I can do this on my own."

Lucy’s strand sees a diligence in taking every bad relationship with a grain of salt until someone real offers you an alternative.

Although the film is marketed to women, men are also addressed here – and not just men who like to sleep around…but I won’t spoil it for those of you guys out there who genuinely want to watch this movie.

The Cast

Dekota Johnson is brilliant in her portrayal of a young adult figuring out life outside of relationships and chasing paper. She goes through the motions of trying to find herself, but only finding that she needs someone else to show her who that is!

Rebel Wilson is a beautiful spirit guide as she shows Johnson’s character how to be single in the city that never sleeps. She is as funny as we’ve known her from Pitch Perfect, but she’s also very realistic in how to be a friend, regardless of how truthful she can be.

Leslie Mann is also as comedic as she is in The Other Woman, but there’s a delicateness to her character that she brings out nicely as an “older” woman realising that she can still have a family along with her career.

Alison Brie continues to show her many sides as she portrays a slightly psychotic-love-sick single woman destined to find Mr Right. She is as loveable and endearing as she is crazy.

Anders Holm is a great contrast to Wilson as we see his character figure out that sleeping around may not always be the best way to be single.

Damon Wayans Jr. brings the heart-wrenching portrayal of different kind of singleness – but again, I won’t spoil it for you.

Nicholas Braun gets a special mention for doing a great job of being Alice’s “one that got away”.

Overall…this film is for anyone really! Single people don’t get all the fun, but hey, we’re not missing out either. It’s a good film to help you see that there are perks in both being single and being in a relationship.

sL Star Rating: ★★★
Next on sL: TBA – so many films coming out, I can’t keep up!!! AHHH!!!

Out This Week:

Film Review | Deadpool

Following its comic book origins, Ryan Reynolds reprises his role as fast-talking, comedic, anti-hero, Wade Wilson (a.k.a. Deadpool). Wilson narrates the whole film as we see Marvel undo…or make sense of…Deadpool from its prequel, X-Men Origins: Wolverine.
We follow a story of a hit man going about his daily routine, falling in love and living a normal life as a thug in New Your City. Unfortunately, a common diagnosis forces him down the path of experimental treatments and voila, a mutant is created.
Only…it’s not that simple.
If people always hated Wade for his snide comments and well...his ability to never know when to shut up, then it stands to reason that so too would anyone treating him. His debatably loveable trait hits the wrong spot with one of his mad-scientists, which in turn encourages him to push Wade’s mutation to its full potential – immortality and really bad skin defects.
Stripped away from his good looks, Wade is now forced to hunt down Ajax (a.k.a. Francis) to turn the beast back into a beauty so that he can go back to his normal life, as well as avoid joining the X-Men at all cost.

The Story

As a whole, the story has you laughing from start to finish. Past and present intertwine in a comedic smashing of the forth-wall as Reynolds willingly invites you into the world of Deadpool, as well as openly comment on what happens beyond the screen.
He, along with the film’s writers, Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick, let loose with their poetic licence making several jabs at studio budgets, previous X-Men writing inconsistencies and openly name-dropping as many X-Men cast members as they can.
It’s a love-story wrapped in action, blood and inconceivable fight sequences. It’s worth every minute you’re holding your stomach due to laughter.

The Cast

Ryan Reynolds is just brilliant. He is much too comfortable in this character than any other I’ve seen him portray. He does not bring Deadpool to life, he is Deadpool. I am so glad he got his own film!

As brooding and hateable Ed Skrein is as Ajax / Francis, there are times I have no idea what he was saying! Although…that may have been on purpose, I do recall Reynolds making a side comment about it at the start of the film. Either way, I still think Skrein is a good villain for an anti-hero…however that works!

Although Stefan Kapicic brilliantly lends his voice to bring Colossus to life, he still did a great job! My favourite part is when he’s making a profound speech about what makes a hero and Deadpool completely ignores him, which then causes him to he throw up.

Brianna Hildebrand is a great young-mutant who also so happens to be a stereotypical teenager. As typical as her portrayal is in portraying teens for all generations, it was nice to see that she knew which side she was on and fulfilled the roles of being a face for the X-Men.

Morena Baccarin does an incredible job at keeping up with Reynolds as his leading lady. She’s just as funny and pulls your emotional heartstrings very well.

T.J. Miller is a great comedic side-kick as he deflects Reynold’s insults with matching sarcasm and useless advice.

Overall…Deadpool is too funny to miss. It’s a nice break before all the seriousness of X-Men: Apocalypse comes out. Go see it!

sL Star Rating: ★★★★
Next on sL: How To Be Single

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Blog | Greetings One and All

Well, where do I even begin?!


Merry Christmas

Happy New Year

Happy 6th Birthday strictlyLeisure



Having a hiatus over the Christmas season really calls for a lot of catching up! As you guys know, if you follow me on Instagram, I've been in the USA. And, because I'm a teacher and school's already started here in Australia, catching up has been the last thing on my mind.

But before I officially "return" tomorrow and because I've got a little thinking spaces, I thought I'd take the time to say, "G'day," and, "Happy New Year" before I let you know what's coming up.

Well, 2016 starts with me and my besties celebrating Galentines at eVent Cinemas. We're going to see our bea, Ryan Reynolds, bring Deadpool to life and enjoy every bit of being single during this holiday.

I'm also keen to see...

I'm sure there are more, but these are the ones I'm really excited about!

I have seen...


since I've been back. But I just wanted to enjoy being in Event Cinemas before I dissected anything.


I hope you had an amazing Christmas, a lovely end to 2015 and incredible beginning to 2016. I also wish you much love for Valentines Day.

Love always,

sL xxx