Saturday, March 26, 2011

INTERVIEW: Sazz is Adding Another Zero

As I mentioned in my last blog we have one last member of McFlyDARES – Miss Sazz Lawson. After getting in contact with me through Twitter, Sazz shared a few other things about Eyes Alight and their involvement with the Appeal. Not only that, she also mentioned that there is now a NEW target - £1000! But I’ll let Sazz talk about the steady march towards adding another zero.
So first of all, "Yay" to the fact that you're almost there (£500) - on the scale of 1-10 how happy are you? (NB: I interviewed her before the target changed :D.)
Thank you! I'm more than happy, I'm proud of all of us and everyone who have donated and been involved! They have helped us help people less fortunate then some of ourselves and it’s an honour to be a part of it.
So according to Jay, Hannah and Lucy, you all pretty much were inspired to be involved with BIRT and Eyes Light by Tom "McFly" Fletcher's efforts, but what got you personally involved?
Some of the stories I was being told, after telling people what I was going to be doing, made me re-think how I look at my life. I take things for granted and I spend money on things I can't show for it.
Being a part of this has shown me that my money can go to better causes and to people that deserve it.

Now, Hannah and Lucy explained that McFlyDARES existed way before the fundraising started, tell us some things people got you girls to do.
Honestly we didn't get a lot of interest at first, so we were making up our own dares, but now a lot more people know what we're doing and why we're doing it, we've had a fair few dares coming in.
Even some fans have created their own dares and are doing them in their own time.
I can't remember the dares off by heart but we have a fair few lined up for the gigs we're at!

According to Hannah, you came up with the name "McFlyDARES" - tell us how that came about?
Says all in the name really – we're McFly fans part taking in dares. I put more thought in the online donation page because that's what the majority of the people will look at. Mcflyfansunite makes me think of our nickname as McFly fans 'galaxy defenders'. It's uniting the entire fan base into one group and shows how much stronger a team we are when we work together.
What was it like when Gi and Izzy got in contact with you guys? What was running through your head?
Giovanna first got in touch with me through a direct message on twitter. I have to admit I was pretty darn excited that she'd got in touch! After I (eventually) calmed down I re-read through the message and instantly contacted Lucy! I also have to admit I did start crying because I never imagined it to get this far I still can't believe now how big it's become and how well we're doing. I was so touched that she and Izzy had taken their own time to get in touch with me and the other girls.

I here you girls are getting some paraphernalia for McFlyDARES, would they be available for everyone or are they just so people can spot you guys out in the crowd? What are you girls looking into getting made - just T-shirts or more?
I think at the minute it's just something to show people how to spot us at the shows and be interested in what we're doing. I have been sent some leaflets and posters which will (hopefully) be handed out at the concerts we'll be at! Hannah had been making some McFly 'pioneer' necklaces for a few months and is selling them to help raise more money for Eyes Alight.

Jay swam in the ocean, Hannah and Lucy are going to do their dare/s at the Glasgow show - will you be joining them or will you do (or have done) your own dare?
I have a few lined up, ha! We'll all be doing some together at the shows we're together at. - piggy back races, wheelbarrow races, etc. - they'll be some extreme (yet safe-ish) dares once we reach our target online and our target in total (£1000).
After the tour ends in the UK and the boys start touring elsewhere, will you girls be still be doing dares or will you leave it to your representatives in particular countries?
There are a few summer shows we're attending and would happily carry on with the fundraising! The international fans have been so supportive too. We've had America, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany etc. all wanting to be involved and help when McFly travel to their country. I'm still so shocked how international it's become.
Throughout this entire project, what was the hardest thing you girls had to do?
I think raising the awareness was the hardest bit, once the first donation came in; they weren't stopping until we hit £100! Our target was at first £100 but we had to change it! We were really trying our hardest to spread the word and a friend of mine called Tanya asked me to write a letter and she'll give it to McFly when she next met them. I think that's where it all started, she had given it to Harry and that's when I got the Direct message from Gi about 4 days after.
Finish this sentence: "Helping BIRT and Eyes Alight has been a great experience because..."
It’s made me realise how much I have got in my life, and even on my "downest" of days, there are people out there who are worse off than me and can't do anything about it. The money raised will help people have a brighter life and experience things I’ve been lucky to see. It will make their Eyes Alight once again.
Thank you Jay, Hannah, Lucy and Sazz for taking the time to answer my questions and getting your message and hearts cross. We’ve been inspirations and I will be making my own donation via: or as soon as I can. You’ve all been so great and I can’t wait to hear more about what crazy things you’ll get up to! God bless and I hope you surpass your £1000 target and have to add another zero!
With love, sL.

INTERVIEW: Hannah's Got Nowhere Left to Go But Up

Another inspiring member of McFlyDARES is Miss Hannah Cambell. Camping out and having fun, she's been amazed out how everything's panned out. Her amazement is summed up in the optimistic view of "No where left to go but up!" Here's how our interview panned out:

- Congratulations! You've almost reached your target - how are you four going to celebrate when you reach £500?
We're hoping to plan a massive dare for us to do at either Wembley or Nottingham on the tour as they’re the last dates we're going to. We need suggestions of what we're going to do though!

- As a "founder" of McFlyDARES what drew you to BIRT and Eyes Alight?
We originally just set up the group for fun. We'd planned on doing dares and such just to keep us entertained whilst we were camping/ queuing for the gigs on the tour. About a week or two after the group was set up, we heard about Tom Fletcher from McFly raising money for the charity BIRT on the show The Cube. We thought that maybe we could do something to raise money for the charity too and so came up with the idea of being sponsored to do things on the tour. After we'd begun the planning, Izzy and Gi (who are deeply involved with the charities) got in contact with us to ask if we could specifically raise the money for the Eyes Alight part of the charity, and of course we said yes!

- Who came up with the name "McFlyDARES"?
That was Sazz (@sazz_xo) I think. We'd come up with a few different ones but that one seemed the simplest and the best.

- Finish the sentence: "When we started McFlyDARES we didn't just want to raise £500 we wanted..."
To make more people aware of what the charity is about and what it hopes to achieve. We also wanted to just have fun on the tour whilst doing something for a good cause. At no point did we ever think it would get as big as it has done! It's incredible!

- Jay is obviously very daring, who's next to take a dare?
Myself and Lucy (@poynterlubz) will be at the Glasgow show tomorrow, so we're hoping to do something there! We've themed the whole tour as a Superhero dress-up theme too in order to encourage everyone going to the gigs to have fun and get involved! The Wembley show is a bit different though, that's a Disney theme as we know it’s the biggest show and wanted to do something special there!

- The next show is in Glasgow, do you have a mini-target for that show?
Anything we raise at the shows is amazing! We've already had to up our target twice, so anything that goes towards our latest target of £500 would be amazing! I think we'll have to do a lot though to match/beat the £113 that Jay raised at Brighton!

- So far, have you ever had a moment where you've just thought, "Wow! This is really happening! People are really responding and joining in this great cause!"
Everyday! Like I said before, we really didn't expect to have such a huge reaction to this project! Everyone's been so supportive by joining in and donation to what we're doing! McFly fans are the best!

- What's the biggest surprise during this endeavour so far?
Just the huge support we've had to the project. We'll go into an arena and see people dressed up and think "Wow, that's part of the project that they're supporting!" It's nice to know that there are so many kind people out there who are willing to help in so many ways!

- What are you most looking forward to when you reach your target of £500?
Knowing that the money raised will go to help a worthy cause! And that McFly fans across the world all joined together to help raise the money!
- Finally, if McFlyDARES went international, what's the BEST advice would you would give them?
Just get involved in any way possible! Every little helps! We've actually already had people contacting us from different countries (Spain, Brazil, Australia, America etc.) asking could they get involved. The response has been incredible! Thanks to everyone who's supported McFlyDARES and Eyes Alight so far. You're all awesome!

I'm just absolutely inspired! Aren't you? The final interview will be with the third founder of McFlyDARES, Sazz Lawson. Thanks so much again! And remember:
  2. McFlyDARES: or
Please donate. It's a great cause! :D
With love, sL

INTERVIEW: Lucy-Jayne is Hitting Home

Continuing my delight in getting to know a little bit more about Eyes Alight, I recently also got in contact via Twitter with another member of McFlyDARES. Say 'hello' to Miss Lucy-Jayne Copley. When Lucy replied I was amazed by how much BIRT and Eyes Alight really meant to these girls. I've titled this interview, "Hitting Home" because for a lot of people, I think that's what BIRT and Eyes Alight is really about - awareness to a cause that's so close to home.

Actually, the title came from the Lucy herself, but I'll let her explain...

- You've only got 26% to go for your goal - how many more shows do you think to get you passed that mark?
It’s incredible that we're racing towards our target so quickly! The amount we've raised at each show has varied considerably, but adding up everything we've raised in cash so far we've just about reached our target which is amazing! Just a couple more shows I think and we'll be well over.
- What attracted you personally to BIRT?
I've been involved with charity work on and off throughout my whole life. When I was younger I used to help out with fundraisers at school and with Brownies, I always helped out at the charity days in high school and I also helped out with fundraising events put on by my local church. I've also known about BIRT for a few months now, although it really came to my attention after I heard about Tom Fletcher's success on The Cube, I looked into it more and it kind of hit home. Whilst I personally have no experience of a condition like those helped by BIRT, it’s an issue close to me because of friends and family and I just wanted to be able to show my support and do my bit.

- How long have supported BIRT?
I guess I just answered that in my previous answer (haha!), but as I said, I have been aware of it for a while but it’s only recently that I've actively supported the cause.
- So, I understand in a way you are one of three "founders" of McFlyDARES, what inspired you to "create" this Twitter group?
That's correct! Well it firstly started off as something we set up just to have fun whilst we were all hanging around venues and camping out on the Above The Noise tour. We wanted fans to submit dares that they'd like to see us perform and we'd do them for a laugh and to pass the time. We had no original intention of setting it up to raise money, but when we heard about the money Tom raised we decided we'd like to help. The idea is the same - people submit the dares they want to see us do - only now they have to sponsor us to do it.
- What sparked your desire to really support the Eyes Alight Appeal?
We were recently contacted by Tom's girlfriend - Giovanna Falcone - via Twitter who told us that Izzy had heard of the work we were doing for BIRT and thought it was fantastic, and would we mind raising money specifically for the Eyes Alight campaign. Of course we agreed - after watching the video of Rupert's story it just really touched me. It’s a heartbreaking yet beautiful story and the idea that I can be helping people like Rupert to enjoy the things in life that a lot of us take for granted is just an amazing feeling.
- Now Jay swam in the ocean as part of her commitment to the cause - would you say you're as daring (excuse the pun) as she is?
Haha she's crazy! But no, it’s all for a good cause. If I was there I would’ve been in there with her! I'm never one to back out of dares, ever since I was young, playing truth or dare with friends, I was always the one making a fool of myself doing dare after dare!
- What is the one dare you would do or have done for the sake of Eyes Alight?
As I just said in my previous answer, I would've gone for a dip with Jay in the sea (haha!). I'll do pretty much anything I get asked to do, within reason. The last thing I want is to end up getting arrested! We're planning some big dares to do at Wembley and Nottingham.

- You guys hold games and costume themes for those who want to support the cause while the Above the Noise tour is on, do you find that there are more supporters at each show?
I think Manchester was a big one for supporters there, I saw a lot of people wondering around in super hero costumes! Sheffield had a few too, but I can't say for the other dates as I wasn't there myself. However many there are though, doesn't particularly matter, so long as we get some support. Every little helps!
- What is the most encouraging thing someone has said to you during your fundraising adventures?
There was a lovely girl at Manchester - I'm not sure of her name - but when we were doing the 50p a hug there she told me she thought I was an inspiration and that more people should be willing to help out causes like these. That really touched me, it’s so lovely to know that people are inspired by our efforts when all we're doing ourselves is helping a cause.
- Finally, when you look back at all of this, what's the one thing you'll always remember?
I'm gonna look back at this and just be amazed – at how four teenage girls have managed to help raise so much money for a charity and managed to raise awareness. I think I'll always remember the friendships I've made and strengthened throughout it too. It’s just been amazing, and I sincerely hope it continues.

Again, if you're interested in BIRT or McFlyDARES - either in getting involved or donating go to either:

With love, sL

Friday, March 25, 2011

INTERVIEW: Jay's Opening Our Eyes to the Unseen

As a posted early this morning, I've been touched by a foundation called BIRT. If you still don't know what they're about go to my Tumblr: prep yourself before you read this interview. I was also recently touched by four particular girls on Twitter since I've re-opened my account. Their diligence and passion for this cause has l ask the question, "Why?"

To answer my question, I decided do get in contact with them. Having recently been an active voter for
McFly's recent Pioneer Presenter Group I realised I had supported one of the McFlyDARES girls, Miss Jay Julier, in her endeavour to be the PP for the ... show. Eager to answer my questions, here's how our e-mail interview went:
1. What attracted you personally to BIRT?

I actually have a mental health condition that I was diagnosed with when I was ten years old. Now it’s nowhere near as substantial as those that are helped by BIRT, but I can completely relate to wanting to experience things the same as everybody else takes for granted. For example, the opportunities to attend concerts, to attend the theatre, to go to the cinema, everyday things that we can all do, but without somebody to assist them, these people can’t. And why shouldn’t they? A lot of charities are based around providing the absolute bare essentials, the fundamentals, which is fantastic. But why not provide that little bit extra – a true new ease of life? It is one thing to merely survive, but quite another to truly live. My condition has strong links with depression and anxiety, and I have been in a position before where I have simply been so ill I couldn’t face anything or anyone. The only way I get out of bed in the morning is by focusing on the exciting plans I have for the future, by planning ahead and making the most of every single day. And by being a part of Eyes Alight I can provide that satisfaction to other people, something I just couldn’t face life without.
2. How long have you personally supported BIRT?
I have been aware of BIRT since the beginning of January this year, but only truly found out about it after being in the audience for The Cube, seeing Tom Fletcher raise money for the cause. After seeing how important it was to Izzy Johnston (the founder of Eyes Alight), and her reaction upon hearing how much he raised, as well as finding out their average turnover is only £2,500 a year. I knew I had to find out more. So I researched the cause and after finding out more about it, I couldn’t not be involved.
3. With the launch of the Eyes Alight Appeal, what made you say to yourself, "SOLD! I want to join this cause."?
I have been involved in charity work for as long as I have been able to, there is a photo of me at five years old carrying a charity bucket! So it seemed only natural as an adult now to be involved in as much charity work as possible. Eyes Alight in particular is something I can truly relate to, and I am deeply passionate about through my own relevant experience. I think it truly makes a difference when someone is talking to you about a charity if they are really passionate about it and if they know everything and have experienced something similar first hand. That’s why I think we’ve been so successful so far!
4. Who are "McFlyDARES" and how did you become "McFlyDARES"?
McFlyDARES was actually set up by a few friends of mine, Sarah Lawson, Hannah Campbell and Lucy Copley. All fellow McFly fans who, after being inspired - much as I was, by Tom’s incredible fundraising on The Cube television show, decided that they would also like to raise some money for the cause. The idea of McFlyDAERES came about as a combination of finding something to do while camping for the upcoming McFly gigs (we all regularly camp overnight to obtain the best places!) and how they could make that [usual “tradition”] raise money for charity. Then McFlyDAERES came about - why not have a bit of harmless fun, do something silly, to pass the time and who says we couldn’t get sponsored for it? It started off as merely fancy dress (£1 donation to participate) and has escalated into all sorts of things. Our most successful [fundraiser] so far has simply been selling hugs for 50p! I actually became involved in the cause not so long ago, I am very good friends with Lucy Copley of the original trio who started it off and she was asking me for some advice since I am an Events Management student and I have been involved in charity fundraising before. Since I have a lot of experience in that department she approached the other two to request that I be a part of the team to help them out. And here we are!
5. You recently jumped into the ocean as part of your commitment to the appeal, why?!
Haha! Yes I did, well I actually swam in the ocean - I think jumping would’ve killed me. Basically I decided that to boost the donations a little bit, our audience needed a bit of a bribe. So I announced online that if we reached over £300 online by the end of the Bournemouth gig on theAbove The Noise tour then straight afterwards I would swim in the sea. That way people could see me swim if they chose to and the fact that it was dark and cold made the dare more worthy! If anything it just proves how passionate I am about the cause, it means a lot to me and I’m willing to do anything to ensure that the appeal gets the coverage it so deserves.
6. You also recently interviewed McFly (congratulations on your win for thePioneer Presenter Competition - you did well) where you briefly told the boys about your participation in a cause that they all support, how did it feel letting them know that there are fans out there behind them in their own commitment to the cause?
Thank you very much, it was great fun. I intended anyway to broadcast some information about McFlyDAERES. Super City has a huge following of over 20,000 subscribers and that way I knew I could reach a lot of people in a very short space of time and encourage them to donate. I knew previously how important the cause is to Harry Judd (Izzy Johnston’s partner) and therefore I felt it only right he knew what we were doing so that Izzy would be aware of the money we were raising for them. I think he was very touched by it all but it should be noted that it was mentioned in the interview so that Izzy would be aware of what we were doing for her, and that fans watching would be encouraged to donate, not for recognition from McFly. The fact that they are very grateful that we are involved in the same cause is wonderful, and I love the boys dearly and had a lot of fun with them, but the two things are mutually exclusive. We both support the same cause, this was a means of getting as large an audience as possible as well as letting Izzy know of all the stuff we are doing for her. Granted I did not win the Pioneer Presenter competition with the intention of mentioning it originally, but when it came down to it there was nothing I wanted to talk about more. It will stand as one of the best days of my life for many reasons, meeting and interviewing McFly (who have been my favourite band for 7 years) being but one of them.
7. So obviously your cause is in conjunction with McFly’s Above the Noise Tour, do you think your cause will go INTERNATIONAL?
I would love for it to; we have had a lot of interest in people fundraising overseas so I don’t see why not. It is a cause based in the UK so I believe the donations would have to be online but find me somewhere that doesn’t have the internet! Of course we would be more than happy to help out with organising things overseas although actually attending could be difficult. The more people know about the cause the better, the more donations to the cause the better.
8. If it does, how much money do you think it will raise?
Oh gosh I don’t know. We’ve raised over £500 in not a very long time so the sky’s the limit!Eyes Alight’s aim is to raise over £100,000 and I will continue to help for as long as I possibly can, even when they surpass that goal, which they will.
9. Now I have to ask the inevitable question, does 100% of every donation go to BIRT and the Eyes Alight Appeal?
Oh yes absolutely 100%. We have absolutely no interest in any personal gain. This is solely for the Eyes Alight Appeal, every single penny goes straight to them.
10. Finally, when does the appeal officially end?
It doesn’t officially end! It will be an ongoing appeal for as long as we feel we can help. I for one will continue to raise money for as long as we are needed, until I see everybody’s eyes alight.

Please continue to donate at
Thank you to Jay Julier for agreeing to do this interview and I hope to hear the inspiring and encouraging stories of the rest of McFlyDARES. I hope you've been inspired to donate to this cause.
Lots of Love, sL