Friday, February 26, 2010

Meet Bill sister has this obsession with upcoming actor Logan Lerman, hence the hype and reason I went to see Percy Jackson (although between you and me, I wanted to see it because - unlike my sister - I am interested in Greek mythology and I bought the book for me to read - even if I bought for her birthday present, hey! I was interested!). But anyway...the reason I'm really talking about Lerman is because he's in this movie.

In one of my sister's rants she commented that Lerman had a character who didn't have a name, which got my attention because my friend Abs was going through character no-names for her Extension 2 English Major Work last year. She literally had characters like, "He" and "She"...well Abs, get this, Lerman's character is just "The Kid" - which also happens to be a movie starring Bruce Willis...but anyway...

Meet Bill starring: Aaron Eckhart, Jessica Alba, Elizabeth Banks and Logan Lerman

Ever had a time in your life where you knew you were just like, "This...S.U.C.K.S" Yep, we've all been there, but meet Bill (Eckhart). His 30-something years old, he works in a bank - for his father-in-law and his brother-in-law, has no kids, realising his body's not as it use to be - oh! and he just found out his wife (Banks) is cheating on him. Yeah - THAT sucks.

But because life seems to know how to set itself right, Bill is thrown into the hands of a Mentoring program with a local high school, where things get a little interesting. Thrown out of his own house forced to put up a tent in his brother's backyard, Bill begins a journey to self discovery with the help of his mentoree (Lerman) and his friend Lucy (Alba).

During this search for who "Bill really is", he finds that the he had been the Mentoree all along. But when Bill realised who Bill was, he in turn left his own message for his Mentor, "I don't want you to float through life like nothing matters, 'cause trust me, you're going to wake up one day and realise you don't have the life you want." It's a message for us all.

What I like about this movie was that it created this balance of unrealistic and realistic circumstances. There were times where I was like, "As if...!"or, "I bet you Logan Lerman's character is actually a pigment of this guys imagination." But he wasn't, then I realised, sometimes, it takes someone honesty and bluntness to open up our eyes to the reality of the blind direction we've been waking.

Sometimes someone has to say, "No." or "This SUCKS!" or "You deserve better." In order for us to realised that we're stuck in a rut, and the only way to be happy even for just a second, is to get out and meet ourselves again - find out what made us love living life in the first place.

I also loved the comedic aspect to it, and the combination of Alba's shy and nice character and Lerman's perverse and cocky character brought a great contrast to the mundane life that Eckhart's character goes through. When Bill was with Lucy and the Kid, he was happier and freer and saw things in a different light. Lucy, in tern, was a medium between the melancholy Bill and the free-to-be Kid; she was the pinnacle of going through life and being secure with a job that pays her bills and is secure of her friends. She shows Bill how life can be lived regardless of the bard circumstances, if you learn to have fun, but she also teaches the Kid that even though fun can have a price tag, friends shouldn't.

stricklyLeisure rating: 4 and 1/2 Stars

Be prepared - there's a scene which should NOT be seen by eyes under the age of 15.

Next on stricklyLeisure: "Forgive Me..." Why the next few feature film may all have Logan Lerman in them.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

TBA: Send in requests

Now for all of you read this blog (thank you, first and foremost), you'll know that I always end with, "Next on stricklyLeisure: blah...blah..blah..." Since I'm going to start Uni soon and may not have time to blog or see anything cool, I'm giving you the opportunity to give me something to: listen to, watch or read.

Here are the conditions:

For reading...
  1. Don't expect me to finish it really fast...I like to read and I think I;m a moderate reader, but don't expect books to be here too often.
  2. I want you to know that novelty reading for me will be limited considering I'm doing English as my minor, which means, those readings come first.
  3. I'll do my best!

For watching...
  1. I will NOT watch any Pornographic films/ shows or even anything close to the genre.
  2. I will include TV shows - again nothing rude - but I will be open to different shows that people like to watch and I will write about it.
  3. Again, if you want me to see a new release film it may take a while because I have to earn the money first - haha, but if it's in my local library I'll have a look.
For listening...
  1. I'm open to any genre, but I will say that I draw the line at anything with a rating on it. I know some rap albums do and some other genres do as well so yeah...
  2. I will warn you, music is my most picky one, as you can see from my music list it's a very closed place, but I have my own reasons for that.
  3. Be prepared for my blunt honesty - really - if you think I'm harsh on movies, don't get me started on music.

So yeah...I won't sign off in the usual way...but stay in tune for my blog on "Meet Bill".

$10.50 Heck Yeah...

If there's anything I want to thank god for right now, is the blessing of CHEAPO-TUESDAYS. For those of you who are thinking "Dominoes-cheapo-Tuesday!" I have one word: "FAIL!!!" No, I am not talking about the great blessing of a cheesy pizza sliding down my throat to block my heart-arteries (like all fast food products), I talking about Cheapo-MOVIES-Tuesdays.

Yes, HOYTS cinemas across Sydney (I don't exaclty know how far this promotion goes...but here in the West, it applies!) have movies showing for, yes, $10. 50. And I benefited from this cheap sale when my dear, dear adopted brother realised what day of the week it was. But since I was very smart (LOL) and organised the whole thing, I knew it was best to keep my mouth shut about the fact that I had already seen a movie that day. But in the end we made a few phone calls - epic fail, considering we were only joined by one more person.

So here we go...

The Wolfman starring: Bencio Del Toro and Emily Blunt

Following the legendary stories of ware-wolves and the evil that set upon a person being bitten by one.

As Lawrence Talbot (Del Toro) is forced to return to his cursed childhood home on the occasion of his brother's disappearance, he knew not what to expect from its remaining inhabitants. His father, a distant brute who enjoys his solitary dwelling with no intention of re-connecting with his eldest son; the Care taker who knows more than he is willing to share about his brother's death and a Miss Gwen Conliffe (Blunt), his brother's betrothed, who seems determined to know who killed her future husband.

On the twist of events, Lawrence finds himself in the mercy of the savage beast whom only the gypsies understand. Ideally, no science, no religion and no logical explanation can be given for the curse bestowed upon the Talbot family. The answer is in the ancient writings of a gypsy's tablet.

I didn't really like this movie. A movie that's two hours should have than enough time to show how a woman can fall in love with a man she's never ever met - especially if she's suppose to save his life from the cruel fate of being a ware-wolf! Alright...alright...sorry...although in the movie's defense, maybe that was the point. In the end, they just didn't know each other enough to love each other...fair enough...I get it now! LOL!!! FAIL girl!


What I did like about the movie was the little bits of clues to how everything is connected to one another. I can't really say anything else without spoiling it for all you people who want to see it. It's one of those movies where people will say, "Aww...well, it was alright - but I don't think I wanna see it again."

Although, if you though Tropic Thunder's freaky fake guts thing was gross DO NOT watch this movie - it's absolutely worse. And if you don't like jumping in your seat I DON'T recommend that you see this movie. And if you're going to watch it as a group - do not be the only girl, but if you are, make sure you're not sitting in the middle, because the guys will seriously take the mickey out of you and this movie.

stricklyLeisure rating: 2 Stars

Next on stricklyLeisure: TBA (Probably the Movie "Meet Bill" with Jessica Alba and Aaron Eckhart.)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Percy Jackson...

...Why I should never read the book before watching the movie EVER again.

If you're like me and like reading books that are under the "Fiction 12+" section of a book store and are not ashamed of it I say heck-yes! I mean we're counted in that "12+" aren't we? And to be honest I never really liked "Teen Fiction" anyway - and I absolutely loath it now with all this Vampire books everywhere! Arrrgh!!!! No wonder I like junior fiction much better that any other fiction - because they appeal to the child that is in me.

Anyway...I'm talking about:

Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief (Rick Riordan) today, because I saw the movie yesterday. And let me tell you I loved this book. It follows the story of a ADHD 12-year-old who also suffers from dyslexia. The only thing is he's not actually suffering from them, it's just that he's, well half-god (demigod to be exact). Which means his ADHD is actually his battle reflexes and his dyslexia is actually the inability to read anything but ancient Greek - not NORMAL Greek, ANCIENT Greek.

So anyway...the story goes he's been neglected by his father (who is never mentioned until he has a near-death experience) and is forced to go from school to school because of his condition. On the occasion of being kicked out of his sixth school, Percy's destiny begins to take shape.

Finding out that he is the son of a god, Percy is taken to Camp half-blood to determine which god impregnated his mother and left her to rot with a lazy low-life named Gabe. But on the account that Percy is attacked by something called a "hell-hound" Poseidon marks his son with a triden on his forehead.

Given the quest to retrieve the Zeus' mighty thunderbolt from the hands of Hades to stop a war against The Big Three, Percy goes to the underworld to not only find the thunderbolt, but also save his mother's life. Supported by Daughter of Athena, Annabeth, and a satyr, Grover, the journey to hell was going to be a bumpy road mixed with deluded camera crews and cops and mythical monsters who aren't mythical at all!

This book was actually a good read. I finished it in two days (could've been one if I wasn't too lazy) and I found that the reason I liked it so much was because I was my kind of humour - blunt, sarcastic and down-right cocky. My favourite character in the book was definitely Grover. Just the little descriptions that Riordan has for him were great!

The other aspect of the twist in the ancient myths that I really liked was the concept that Olympus moves (not the actual mountain, but the dwelling of the gods). I like the whole concept that it moves to where the most influence on human social and political is most dominant. The other thing I liked was the reality of the concept of detached and estranged filial bonds between mortal parents and immortal parents. The fact that some mortal parents knew the danger of having demigods for children and "behaviorally" divorcing them in contrast to other mortal parents who would do everything they could to save their demigod children at all times.

It was a great book and packed with a lot of good mythical monsters and stories.

Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
(Christopher Columb

Alright, here we go. This movie stares Logan Lerman (Riding in Cars with Boys), Bradon T. Jackson (Tropic Thunder), Alexandra Daddario (White Collar) and Pierce Brosnan (007). Following the same lines as the book, Percy Jackson (Lerman) is on a quest to save his mother and to stop the war before the 21 of June.

I can't really say much because the only real difference between the book and film are the monsters and the situations (along with my imagination). So here's a list of which were the same and which were different:

  1. The Quest: Well in truth, Chiron (Brosnan) gives Percy, Annabeth and Grover the quest to retrieve the Thunder bolt from Hades. In the film, the three heroes go on their own terms.
  2. Reason for going to Hades: In the book it was to stop the war and retrieve the bolt, but in the film it was to bargain with Hades and tell him that he actually doesn't have the bolt, exchanging his innocence for his mother's life.
  3. The Quest 2: the film has this thing about following a map that leads to special pearls that will get you out of the Underworld, but in the book it was easy because they were given to Percy.
That's mainly it in terms of story line but here's in terms of characters and situations (add-ons and changes):
  1. Meeting Medusa: In the book they stumble across her "Gnome Emporium" because the were hungry, but in the film, it's where the first pearl is found.
  2. The Pit stops: since the second pearl is in Nashville that's where they head and meet with the ancient monster, the Hydra (the lizard thing that grows back two after you cut one off). In the book the pit stop is actually a diner...but I'll get to that later.
  3. Grover stays in the Underworld: As noble as it is, that's not how it's suppose to be. To me the whole underworld scene was a bit off...
  4. "Where is it?": Actually refers to TWO things - 1. Being the bolt and 2. being Hades' special helmet.
In-and-out: the characters who just didn't make the cut in the auditions and who did:
  • Ares (God of War): meets them at their second pit-stop at a diner where he sends Percy off on his own little quest to retrieve his shield.
  • Procrustes (aka "Crusty"): the ancient monster who liked to stretch his preys, in the book, he's depicted as a water-bed store owner.
  • Persephone (daughter of Demeter - aka Wife of Hades): I don't know why they added her in the movie, the book stayed through to the ancient legend that she was in Olympus with her mother (it's the only time she was actually happy).
  • The Fates (the Old Grannies): they're not in the film, but I don't think they were merely necessary anyway.
  • Ceberus (the Three-Headed Dog): I can't believe they left this pooch out of the Underworld!!! Ceberus is a vital part of Hades' lair!
  • Kronos and the pit of Tartarus: This was the pinnacle of the book and what lead to the thief. I really could not believe they left them out.

Off portrayals...alright, maybe it's just my imagination (and the fact that the only other depiction of The Underworld and Olympus were the images drawn by cartoonists at Disney, but still!), but I really though that the underworld was too tamed for the place of the dead. the Entrance was accurate, but after that, it was just to mystical for me. As for Olympus, it looked way too much like the Underworld rather than Riordan's depiction of "the complete opposite of the Underworld".

Nevertheless I enjoyed it. Wow...listing all these differences, there was a lot changed in the film not only the ages (from 12-year-old to 16/17-year-olds) but the reason behind why the bolt was stolen in the first place. No wonder the film felt empty...hmmmm...

But then again...that's why I said I shouldn't have watched the movie after reading the book. I got out of the theatre thinking, "I think the book was better." Oh well!

stricklyLeisure rating: 3 and 1/2 Stars

Next on stricklyLeisure: "The Wolfman" and why you should never take Cheapo-Tueasdays for granted.

While I Iron...

So, I've officially decided that spending my last few weeks of my holidays at home to taking care of the house. I've been doing things like, vacuuming the rooms, hanging the newly washed clothes and IRONING the clothes. I officially know what it's like to be a house wife - minus cooking really.

But this blog is particularly about Ironing. See the females in my family, all seem to have one fetish when we iron. We all like to have something to watch - THE TV MUST BE ON. So, I decided that I should borrow movies I have never seen before (and have always been interested to watch) and hire them (from my local library - that's right my local LIBRARY.)

So here we go...

Kate and Leopold starring: Meg Ryan and Hugh Jackman.

This movie begins in 19th century New York where Stuart Besser (Leive Schreiber) defies time and finds himself being chased his distant relative, Leopold (Hugh Jackman), into modern-day New York. Falling through the portal that divides past and present, Leopold is forced against his will to survive in a NEW York for a week before the portal open once more.

But since we all know that tampering with time only messes things up, this movie's twist at the end give every girl back 2002 the chill as Leopold finds the wife of his dreams in Kate McKay (Ryan) - a woman driven by her hate for her ex-boyfriend to progress further in her career in advertising.

I wont deny it - I liked this movie. Who doesn't like a good chick flick? What I never like though, are time traveling movies - with the exception of Back to the Future. I just never get how it works. Just like the movie Lake House. I mean I liked that movie too, but I really didn't get how it was possible! Really!

stricklyLeisure rating: ***/*****

Stardust starring: Claire Danes, Robert De Niro, Michelle Pfeiffer and Charlie Cox

This movie was about a young man going on a quest to bring back a shooting star for the woman of his dreams, to prove that he was better than any man who was only willing to go as far as Ipswitch for a diamond ring. But here's a catch: the shooting star fell towards the mysterious land beyond The Wall - and NO ONE crosses the border of The Wall.

But regardless of his inferior existence to those around him, Tristan (Cox), goes off towards the star. Nevertheless when he reaches the star he finds that the star is actually a woman named Yvaine (Danes) with ambitions of her own. Forced to follow Tristan for her only hope back to the sky - for he possessed a special candle that took you to mind's desires.

Little did they know that her heart was the most important power in that universe. Witches (Pfeiffer) ate it for their youth to return, Kings ate it for eternal life and Mortals on the other side of Wall would study it for years.

Yes it's another chick flick. But it's really one of the better book-to-movie things (although, mind you, I haven't read the book). I really liked the story line and how everything lead to another. Unlike some movies that just jump from one place to another - like Harry Potter 5.

stricklyLeisure rating: ****/*****

December Boys starring: Daniel Radcliffe

Based on Michael Noonan's novel, it follows the stories of four orphans who share the birth month of December - hence the title. Maps, Misty, Sparks and Spit are given the trip of their life-time towards the coast for being the oldest children in the orphanage.

Not knowing what lies ahead of them, the four boys prepare for the time of their lives. Little did they know that on the occasion of their visit to the coast their friendship and brotherhood would be challenged. Misty gets word that one of them would be adopted and their familial ties begin to strain as the fight for the affections of Fearless and his wife.

This is an Australian film and I must say this was a very good one. I've seen really bad Aussie films, but I really like the changes in this film - and yes I did read this book. This had a clearer story line than the book and I liked the different themes that they incorporated. Adding themes like young love, brotherhood, sickness and challenging your identity. I liked it a lot more than I though I would. And no, I'm not being bias because I think Daniel Radcliffe is alright, it was just better than I expected - and believe me, I can deconstruct a movie from beginning to end (that was not necessary, but I never said that I would deconstruct it well!)

stricklyLeisure rating: ***/*****

Finally, Tristan and Isolde starring: James Franco and Sophia Myles

Following the ancient stories of Tristan and Isolde, it said that it was their story that lead to many other stories of love and betrayal. Stories including Lancelot and Guinevere and Romeo and Juliet.

When Tristan (Franco), a warrior for the Britons, is thought to be dead, the land of Cornwall was sent into mourning for their greatest warrior and the terrible massacre due to Irish hands. But alas, their young warrior is only sleeping and lo and behold, has washed into the lands of the Irish, where their princess, Isolde (Myles), finds him and cares for the stricken warrior.

In the course of his recuperation, a greater bond is formed between inflicted and healer. But fate was not kind and tore the lovers apart with the return of the Irish warriors and the word that a Briton boat had been spotted on their shores. Having heard of his daughter's future husband dead by the hands of the Brits, Donnchadh (David O'Hara), offers his daughter as a price in order to fulfill his initial goal of conquering Briton and dividing the nation.

And that's only the beginning of the problems for the Britons.

Another chick flick wrapped in blood and gore and some ancient myth in order to get both guys and girls in the same cinema. I didn't like this one as much as the others (but Franco id really cute!), because I'm one of those weird girls who likes the blood and gore more than the lovey-dovey stuff - don't get me wrong, I love a good chick flick, but i just don't like mixing swords and shields with kissing and sappy lines!

Although, in the movie's defense, it is called "Tristan and Isolde" so the movie should really be about "Tristan AND Isolde". Unlike the movie Australia...I own that movie an I still can't see why they named it that. Although, in that movie's defense, I couldn't find a better name.

stricklyLeisure rating: **/***** absolute favourite of the four movies above would definitely be Stardust. Yeah...

Next on stricklyLeisure: "Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief" - The book and why I shouldn't have read it before I watched the movie.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


No, no, no people. The title was no typo for the generic greeting of, "G'day".

I'm talking about VALENTINES DAY!

You know how it's the one day of the year where everybody get's this anticipated anxious feeling that they actually have to get a present. It's all like, "OMG!!!! I forgot to get her/ him a present!" or "Oh *sugar*! Valentines day is tomorrow aye? Oh well...another card should do..." and then the find out their significant other doesn't want another freaking card, they wanted a box of chocolate.

Hehehe...but seriously! Here's some excuses I come across and two-way meanings that come with the only commonly celebrated holiday:

- "No gift's this year...let's just invest in our time together."
  • This generally means they're either broke or the secretly have something planned.
  • When you get comment, make sure you're ready to be spending the night smiling at each other or spending it doing something that you're totally not prepared for.
- "Why do I have to give her/him anything? He's/ she's got me!"
  • It's alright for married couples I suppose, what else have they got to live for? Valentines Day for them is just another day on the calendar.
  • But for those of you who are dating, just take heart when they say that, at least you know they're thinking about giving you something anyway.
- The good old "home-made" card.
  • This card is the mark of either two things: 1. They totally made it with the hopes you'll notice every single detail or 2. They completely forgot it was the big "V'day" and knew they could still "call you theirs" without you every finding out.
  • Nevertheless it's better than getting nothing right?


An absolute must-see film for everyone who either hates/ loves Valentines Day. With a cast of A-list celebrities, including: Jessica Alba, Jessica Biel, Bradley Cooper, Patrick Dempsey, Jamie Foxx, Jennifer Garner, Topher Grace, Anne Hathaway, Ashton Kutcher, Julia Roberts and many more!!!

Following the stories of old love, new love, distorted versions of love and the fine-line between love and lust, Valentines Day is filled with stories fit for the ages of 14 - 100. Since love is unpredictable and often can't be planned, the characters in this film either find out what life means to them and how their version of love shapes their endings.

Some find that love can't be bought, but rather given. Others find that love is what keeps them together. Further more, others find that similarities sow in the seeds of love. And there are still others that find, throughout it all, love, was actually right there beside them.

From the Director of Princess Diaries and Pretty Woman, Gary Marshall, this Romantic comedy will soothe the hearts of singles and challenge the focuses of those who hold someone dear.

stricklyLEISURE rating: 5 Stars.

Next on stricklyLEISURE: "Random movies I've never seen before."

Movies including:
  • Kate and Leopold
  • Stardust
  • December Boys
  • Tristan and Isolde

Friday, February 12, 2010

A SWIFT breez Down Under!



Swift fans all around the country lined up to see Country's most adored singer who only in a matter days prior to her Sold Out tours won The Grammy's most prestigious award: The Album of The Year.

Wowing both her competitors and herself. With a total of Four Grammys all up. But the hype of her tour down under swept the entire nation, and your truly was part of the hype. From the moment I was preparing for the concert I was blasting tunes of, "You Belong With Me," "Love Story" and several other songs on her "FEARLESS" album.

The parking at Acer Arena was packed with cars with Teens, tweens and parents all joining in on the anxious atmosphere that the Taylor Swift concert held. Being the second night for the Arena, they were prepared to take on the the challenges of screaming fans, hustling tickets and noisy car horns.


The Swifty merchandise ranged from: glow sticks, t-shirts, posters, pictures, programs, and AUTOGRAPHED CD's of her Special Edition of "FEARLESS". As lines grew from the moment the doors opened, eager fans lined up to cash-in on the memories that would take them through the night and the following weeks after miss Swift graced their minds.



Opening Act, "Gloriana" added to the hype that was already strong from the moment fans took their seats and prepared themselves for a great night. Performing songs from their newly released album here and Oz, Gloriana brought the house down with their own sweep of country voices. A great blend of Acoustic guitars, electric guitars and a whole-lot-a Southern bells singing to the hearts of those in their seats.


The concert began with a video stating the reason Taylor was down here. Flocks of stars including: Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato, Lucas Till, Tim McGraw and the bell herself, defining the word, "FEARLESS".

Opening with every single girls anthem of, "YOU BELONG WITH ME" brought the anxious hype to a energy of voices joining Swift in song. Her back-up dancers and her band also brought great energy to the stage that added pleasure to those watching the concert begin.

I don't recall all the song she sang in order but to be sure Taylor Swift won my vote for the way she constructed her Song List for the night. Backing her songs with the true stories behind them, Taylor did not leave out the details on certain song which meant the world to her.

Along with her confessions, her costumes blew my mind! As an aspiring stage director, I loved every single one of her outfit changes. From her Band-geek get up in "You Belong With Me" to her various sparkly dress throughout, "Forever and Always" and "Tell Me Why". But the one costume change would have to be for "Love Story" and for those of you who know me, I absolutely hate this song. But when I saw her bring her audiences back 200 years ago the song blew my mind. From her red 18th century dress to a modern day white dress I was stunned! It was such a beautiful transition.


Taylor Swift is an absolutely brilliant performer. She entertained her fans from the main stage, to a constructed back stage and never for got to address those on the sides. She also literally came into the crowds and hugged those she could and was genuinely excited to meet with her fans even for a brief moment.

From beginning to end Taylor brought the arena to a great atmosphere leaving every single one of her fans satisfied that their $100 - $200 tickets were well spent.


This is both a compliment and criticism towards the security in Acer Arena. I will commend them on their attempts of video evidence of the night, but it made me rather angry and confused at the fact that I wasted my battery to only have a security ask me to delete what would have been a great memory of the brilliant time I had that night.

Being one of eight people using camera phones and digital cameras in my section I was astonish to find that out of the eight two of us were told to stop and delete what we had captured. Although I was not pleased with the demand, I did as i was told and sat in my seat attempting to forget and continue my enjoyment.

Another bummer was the fact that I was told to sit down by another member of my section. Please! We're at a concert! It's not my fault it's a Sunday night and you're tired and you have work tomorrow. All I wanted was to have a good time and stand, dance and sing-along with one of my favourite singers! But because I'm not that mean, and i did want to enjoy the night, I obeyed my fellow audience member and sat my bottom down in the seat and sang my heart out.

There you go.

Next on STRICKLYLEISURE: "Valentines Day" the film and the day that we all seem to either love or hate.